Medicare Meet-Up
Experts Meg Koepke and Melissa Cohen – Vice Presidents at Aurrera Health Group –dive deep into the healthcare program millions of people across the country rely on Medicare. Join Meg and Melissa as they meet up with patients, clinicians, policymakers, insurers, caregivers, advocates, and disruptors to talk about the evolution of this crucial program and what lies ahead. Find new episodes here or subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Medicare Meet-Up
Season 3 Episode 7 – Re-examining Value Part 1 of 3
Meg Koepke and Melissa Cohen
Season 3
Episode 7
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00:00 | 41:28
In this first episode of the Re-examining Value series, the Medicare Team speaks with Mai Pham, founder and president of the Institute for Exceptional Care, and Rob Nelb, principal analyst from the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) about what the value movement got right and where it falls short.