Medicare Meet-Up

Season 3 Episode 8 – Re-examining Value Part 2 of 3

Meg Koepke and Melissa Cohen Season 3 Episode 8

In the second episode of the Re-examining Value series, the Medicare Team speaks with Ann Greiner, president and CEO of the Primary Care Collaborative and Brock Slabach, COO of the National Rural Health Association about ongoing opportunities to improve patients’ care in the value movement.


Show notes:

  1. Wakely Risk Insight for the Medicare Shared Savings Program: Performance Year 2023 Results.” (Wakely)
  2. Relationships Matter: How Usual is Usual Source of (Primary) Care?” (Primary Care Collaborative)
  3. Primary Care Practice Finances in the United States Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic.” (Harvard Center for Primary Care)
  4. The Health of US Primary Care: A Baseline Scorecard Tracking Support for High-Quality Primary Care.” (Milbank Memorial Fund)
  5. For more information about the Primary Care Collaborative, visit
  6. For more information about the National Rural Health Association, visit